SilkCards Wisdom

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6 Ways to Use a Business Card (Aside From Handing It Out)

In a long professional career, you’ll go from one position to another, acquiring a new set of business cards every time. You’ll be given countless of them at conventions, business meetings, and during casual conversations. Even in our online world, the humble card is still the best way to introduce yourself and your business; not even the smartphone was able to kill the business card. Nonetheless, you’ll need an edge to make sure that your contacts have a reason to hold onto your cards, and that means coming up with creative practical business cards to stand out. The point is to create interaction and engagement. So what are some creative ways to use a business card aside from handing it out?

Creative Ways to Use a Business Card Aside from Handing It Out

Instead of cluttering up your client’s wallet, purse, or desk (and that’s if you’re lucky enough for them to have kept it around) for the sole purpose of providing information, that little cardboard rectangle can be given a new life! This will delight your clients and give them a reason to keep your card, even if they don’t need your services at the moment. Here’s how:

1. Make Your Business Card Into Origami

This is the most unique business card ideas that we’ve come across. Follow the instructions on the Origami Resource Center Website to learn how to turn a common business card into a cute puppy.

Give that puppy to your client and watch as the fun literally unfolds. Alternatively, you can have your card printed with perforations or lines that can help your client fold it from a business card shape into something unique.

2. Offer Business Card Fortune Cookies

Just a little bit of perforation and a hidden message inside can turn your business card into a fortune cookie. Alternatively, you can put a promo code, coupon, or content result inside, turning your business card into a fun way to appeal to your potential customers.

3. Make Them Into Bookmarks        

Take the business card and punch a hole in the corner like you did to make a price tag but secure a length of ribbon through the hole. A business card makes a sturdy and attractive bookmark. This is an especially clever way to market a bookstore, writer’s circle, publishing or editing service, or any other literary establishment.

4. Business Cards as Earbud Holders

We all love the convenience and portability of earbuds, but we hate how the wires always get tangled. Follow these simple instructions from to turn any business card into a tangle stopping earbud holder. If you’re in the music industry, you can perform this task on your business cards and show your clients how to use the card when you hand it to them.

5. Dabble in the Occult

Make your own tarot cards. Do an internet search and copy the different cards onto the blank sides of your old business cards; this is a great conversation starter on a long flight or plane ride. In addition, if you own a psychic shop, this might be the perfect way to introduce your services to someone. The artwork is gorgeous, too!

6. Get Sturdy Business Cards That Serve as Tools

This is perhaps one of the best ideas for practical business cards that we’ve ever seen. Order metal or plastic business cards that include a ruler on one edge or a creative shape that can serve as a bottle opener or other pocket-sized tool. In the labor industries, this can be an invaluable way to provide value to your contacts while marketing yourself.

7. Have Your Business Card Double as a Price Tag

All you have to do is punch a hole in one corner and attach it with a little string: instant price tag. If you have a brick and mortar store, your business cards will have the added value of displaying the price as well as your contact information so that they keep coming back. If you do your business online, display a product description or instructions on one side with your information on the other.

Help With Your Creative or Practical Business Card Designs

Some of the above ideas could even be designed with that specific purpose in mind, but it might be necessary to work with a specialty printer. SilkCards has experience creating luxury business cards with unique twists, and our custom design team can work with you to make your concept turn into reality. If you want to see what we can do, request a sample pack.
